こんにちは!(Konnichiwa!) Hello everyone! Yay にほんご!(nihongo)
So! At my school there is a pretty impressive library! It's become my home away from home because I spend so much time there. So the first thin I did when I got there was look for a にほんご(nihongo) section. Unfortunately, their にほんご(nihongo) section is not as impressive as the rest of the library... BUT! I am committed to reading every book in that にほんご(nihongo) section by the end of this school year!!! Well, it won't hurt to expose myself to にほんご(nihongo) literature and a few resources to aid in learning.... like the topic for today's post!!!
I found a book! ほん!ほん!ほん!(hon! hon! hon!)
This ほん(hon) is called Making Sense of Japanese, What The Textbooks Don't Tell You. It's by Jay Ruben who is apparently a にほんご(nihongo) teacher from what I've read in this book so far. Anyways, this book is really meant for someone in an actual class who has learned enough にほんご(nihongo) to move from textbook examples to actual にほんご(nihongo) literature and stuff. It's a bit ahead of me sense I've never taken a class... I am self taught and self teaching. So this book is a it of a challenge for me, but some of it I can grasp right now and that makes me very happy!
So, Along with that book, I stumbled upon Botchan by Natsume Soseki. In the research I have done on にほん(nihon) and it's culture, Botchan has been mentioned many times. I've always been curious about it. So when I found this, I snatched it of the shelf!!! And now I'm reading it! ^-^ Parts of it may have been used in tests that I have taken before because I recognize some of the parts. (Because for some reason my memory retains stories that I have read a heck of a lot better than it does historical facts!!!) But yes, now I am reading it! So now I will understand when they talk about Botchan in the "culture" or "literature" sections!
I also picked up another of Natsume Soseki's novels called Kokoro. I picked this one up because of the title. I knew already that こころ(kokoro) means the heart or the spirit of something, so I want to find out what this book has to tell. (I haven't started this one yet, but I started both of the others! ^-^)
So! That's all!!! Thank you so much for reading!!! ありがとうございます!!!(arigatou gozaimasu) Until Monday (hopefully!) さようなら!!!(sayounara)
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