Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dictionary Day

こんばんは、みんなさん!(konbanwa, minna san)
Where does the time go?
Well, since I've been looking things up in the dictionary for a good part of the day, I thought I'd share a bit with you. ^-^

いねる - put in, add; send; indude; prepare (hot drinks) (no idea what "indude" means, but it was in the dictionary. If you know what it is, tell me in the comments! ^-^ I'm thinking it's supposed to be "include")
いろ - color (ok, I already knew this one, I looked up the kanji 色)
くるしい - painful; trying, taxing, hard, difficult (kanji for this is 苦しい)
城 - kanji for "castle" I'm using the pronunciation "shiro" (しろ)
雅 - kanji for "elegant; graceful; refined; gracious" I'm using the pronunciation "miyabi" (みやび)

So..... I think I'll try this game that my friends taught me my Freshman year of high school. In this game, you have words (in this case Japanese words) and you make a story using those words. Just as a warning, I already know I'm gonna use these words wrong, this is just to kind of get a sense of the word so that I can add to my vocabulary and stuff. ^-^ Here goes!

Once upon a time, there was a 雅 (miyabi) princess who was both beautiful and smart. (Classic storybook beginning here, ごめん!(gomen) I'll try harder!) This princess loved 色(iro) more than anything else. She painted her room all the 色 of the rainbow. (ごめん again! >.<) In fact, every room in the 城(shiro) was a different 色. One day, there was a guest to the 城. "あ!" They exclaimed, "there are so many 色, I wonder if this is the world of rainbows!" The 雅 princess took pride in all the 色 so she sent the maid to いねる (ineru) some お茶(ocha) for the guest. While they waited, the princess discovered that the guest was from the land of はな(hana) and that every spring there were many many 色. So the 雅 princess decided to visit the land of はな. The End.

0.o Couldn't fit "苦しい" in there... and sorry it's super cheesy... this is what I get for writing a blog post in the middle of the night.

Speaking of, I really should start going to bed earlier again because spring break is almost over! I have school again on 月曜日(getsuyoubi).

Guess I should sleep now. 寝る。寝る。寝る。(neru neru neru)

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