こんばんは!!!おげんきですか?(Konanwa! Ogenki desu ka?)
Yay! I get to post again! I've been saving some cute videos and stuff for you all week! Here ya go!!!
【あすぱら】Kipple Industry Inc.キップル・インダストリー【気まプリ】
The dancers are so cute in this and the ending that they did was really funny! I hope you like it as much as I did!!!
【バビロン】『プラチナ』-shin'in future Mix-踊ってみた【1周年&誕生日】HD
I love how graceful the dancer is in this! She's adorable!
OK, those are the only YouTube videos I'll post for now, but I have something AMAZING in store for you! So, I mentioned in my post a week ago that I met someone who had said that they would help me with にほんご(nihongo). Well, he followed through with that and gave me some really good resources! And he showed me an awesome site that won't teach you the language but will give you pointers for reaching your language goal and will help you along(in a way). It's called ajatt.com ("all Japanese all the time")
One thing he told me was to try to immerse myself in the language. This is very important (as I read in the website I talked about above) because you are simulating being raised in Japan(in my case, but it works for any language). So, he suggested some movies for me to watch.Well. It just so happens that one of the movies he suggested was in the school library. So I checked it out and watched it and......................... It topped the list as my number one favorite movie!!! It topped Pride and Prejudice!!! No other movie has done that for me!!! The movie is called "Departures" in America(my friend said that the original Japanese meant "the Departed" but oh well...) and I highly recommend it!!! You can find more info about it in this link.
So, yes. That's what I wanted to share! I hope you find these fun and helpful!!! I really do recommend watching "Departures"!!! Thank you very much for your time in reading my post!!! I'll post again on げつようび(getsuyoubi) if I am able! And I apologize for not having much にほんご(nihongo) in this post...
ありがとうございました!!!さようなら!(arigatou gozaimashita! sayounara!)
Ah! One last video! 【にゃんたろ】Rotten Heresy & Chocolate 腐れ外道とチョコレゐト【Project】 Please enjoy!
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