Friday, September 9, 2011

ピカピカする!(pika-pika suru)


Hello everyone! おげんきですか?(o-genki desu ka)

So, I have been practicing my にほんご(nihongo)these past few days and I have a new favourite word!!!

ピカピカする(pika-pika suru)

ピカピカする means "glittering" or "shining"! I like shiny things, so obviously I like this word (or is it multiple words... "pika-pika" and "suru"? but put together they mean one thing... and "suru" means "to do"...)

So, はい!(hai)

That's all for today! ごめなさい(gomenasai), this post is very short. Thank you for your time!!! ありがとうございます!!!(arigatou gozaimasu) I'll write again on げつようび(getsuyoubi) hopefully! (I have some down time between classes, but the computers at the school don't have the ひらがな(hiragana) setting on them and I don't feel like copy-and-pasting characters from Wikepedia so, the post may or may not have にほんご(nihongo) in it!) じゃまった(Ja matta)... I'll be going now! Have a wonderful weekend! さようなら!(sayounara)

(Side note: If you are awesome and know Japanese very well and you happen to read this and find flaws in my Japanese, please tell me! I still have a lot to learn and I know that half the stuff I write is probably a bit off. Thank you very much also for reading my posts!)

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