Friday, February 10, 2012

私のせんせい。。。(watashi no sensei)

。。。すごいです!!!(sugoi desu)

こんばんは、みんなさん!(konbanwa, minna san)

My Professor is really amazing and a very cool person! I want to tell you what he did!
First of all, this is my Professor who is fluent in 日本語(nihongo), so that already boosts his awesomeness. But what is really cool is that he knows I'm teaching myself 日本語(nihongo) and so after my test in his class today, he asked me this: 日本語のべんきょがどうですか?(nihongo no benkyo ga dou desu ka)
Well, that made me smile! ^-^ I am very lucky to have a せんせい(sensei) like him!

Oh! Also today! I made a sentence that for some reason I'm happy I was able to come up with it so early in the morning. 日本人がどこですか?(nihonjin ga doko desu ka)
The context of this is that there are no 日本人(nihonjin, Japanese people) around where I live and go to school. So on our way to school, I'm explaining my frustration to my mother the best that I can and I come up with 「日本人がどこですか!!!」(nihonjin ga doko desu ka)

Here, I found a random 日本語 for you. ^-^
Word: ましょう (-masho)
Meaning: a verb ending expressing the speaker's intent or an invitation
Example sentence: 重そうなかばんですね。お持ちしましょう。(Omoso na kaban desu ne. Omochi shimasho) That bag [suitcase, briefcase] looks heavy. Let me carry it for you.

I thought that -masho was a very courteous and gentlemanly word/verb ending (not that I do so well with grammar...) so I wanted to share it. So it's not as random as some because I actually found it ahead of time, but that's fine too. ^-^

Well, that's all for now. I think I did well on my tests/exams at least! And now it's the weekend! 元気!!!(genki!)

みんなさん!(minna san) Enjoy your weekend おねがいします!(onegaishimasu)

あの。。。ありがとうございました!!!(arigatou gozaimashita)
I'll see you on 月曜日!(getsuyoubi)

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