Entering my second to last semester at University is surreal. It's so surreal that when I went to pick up the papers to apply for graduation next December, I thought I was in a dream, or that it was some sort of trick my mind was playing on me.
My journey through University has been anything but seamless. In many ways, I feel as though I'm not qualified enough to graduate, like I didn't work hard enough in my classes to learn everything that I could, or like I didn't produce the work expected of me by my professors and my perfectionist self. Entering this semester feels strange to me, like I'm a cat that jumped in the window of a house and hasn't been discovered by the owner yet. I feel like at any moment, someone will come along and tell me that I don't know enough to graduate, or that I haven't worked hard enough. And maybe they'd be right.
Despite all of that, the opportunity to test my wings has been laid before me. The chance to graduate and find my own way in the world is a significant one, and I think that regardless of if I think I am ready or not, I should just dive in and take the chance to sink or swim.
These next two semesters are going to be tough for me, but I will give it my best so that I can soar on my graduation and there after! ^^