Hallo, meine Freunden! Wie geht's? (hello my friends! how are you?)
A friend of mine and I are practicing language together, and for now I'm working on German. We're sending messages with audio files attached back and forth (one a week each) so that we can practice speaking out languages of study. ^^ Even though she's learning Korean and I'm currently working on German it works out. We have the audio of us speaking, then we have the written text in language, and then we have the translation. They're really short. ^^; It's a lot of fun, and since I'd like to start posting more again (what with the summer and all) I'd like to at least include some of the text here every week. ^^ So, here is week one!
Deutsch Woche 1:
Hallo! Meine AKMU CD ist gestern gekommen!
Es ist sehr gut! Mein Lieblingslied ist 'Melted', aber es ist traurig. Ich mag auch 'Little Star'. Ich weis nicht der name auf Koreanisch. ^^;
So! Was ist dein Lieblingslied? Magst du AKMU? Was ist deine LieblingsKpopgrouppe?
Hello! My AKMU CD came yesterday!
It's really good! My favorite song is 'Melted', but it's sad. I also like 'Little Star'. I don't know the name in Korean.
So! What is your favorite song? Do you like AKMU? What is your favorite Kpop group?
I know I'm not very good at German yet, and I know I have mistakes there, just bear with me as I get better. As always, if you see a mistake, feel free to let me know! I appreciate it!
So hopefully I'll have these little posts up once a week. ^^ I'm working on a study schedule for 日本語(Japanese) as well, so we'll see how that goes. Anyways, I'll see you again soon!
Das ist alles, tschüss! じゃね!