Thursday, March 13, 2014


Long time no see! ^^; It's been a really long time since I've posted here, I don't really know what to say... But I wanted to give an update on my language learning.

Last fall and this spring I've been taking German classes at my University. I would have loved to have been able to take Japanese, but my school is smaller and doesn't offer it. German is fine though, I'm part German, and learning the language makes me feel a bit more connected to that part of my heritage. I can read fairly well, I just need to use a dictionary for words I don't understand; and I can understand spoken German for the most part, but I have trouble speaking the words and using correct grammar. If I feel like it, I may post German on here occasionally. (Totally depends on how frequently I post, etc.)

My Japanese studies have fallen to the wayside these past months. I got a small job for the winter and they decided to keep me on after the holiday season, so between that and schoolwork, I find that I'm either too tired or too distracted to work on Japanese. I have noticed that I remember a lot of what I had learned previously though, so probably this coming summer I will be able to review a bit and return to Japanese studies.

I'm also looking into some study abroad options, though I'm not quite sure how that will work out. The way my school schedules classes does not lend itself to much leeway, so time will tell what comes of that.

I just wanted to give a bit of an update since it's been a few months. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to write again soon! ^^/