Saturday, October 4, 2014


Hello there, 
how is life?

So, as I've mentioned previously, time management is not my strongest suit- to be more clear, I could say that with everything I do, I often find that with my extra time I end up resting or relaxing instead of working on my personal projects like language and such. Well, things are kind of changing a bit. I was offered a job in my field of study that will actually free up a lot of my time compared to my current job, so my hope is that with my extra time that is freeing up, I can spend more time on personal projects. (oh my goodness do I have a lot of personal projects. o.o )

One of the things I am going to try to do is update this blog more often. It won't always be language related, but I'd like to get back into that again. So I'll do my best with that, and we shall see what comes of this new venture.

Until next time, thanks so much for reading!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

My controversial two cents.

So, there's this thing going around the internet called the ALS ice bucket challenge.

This seems to be a controversial topic. Let's look at it. :D

So, the challenge is basically intended to raise awareness about a really awful disease called ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS for short, is a degenerative disease that affects the nerve cells in the spinal chord and the brain. It essentially renders the body motionless. All in all, the campaign has a good intention.

The controversy comes with, in my opinion, the popularity that the campaign has gained. Let's be honest, watching someone get ice water dumped on their head is kind of funny. But it seems like this challenge has become just an ice bucket ordeal instead of an awareness raising campaign. In most of the videos going up, you're lucky if the person mentions what the campaign is for outsie of "it's the ALS ice bucket challenge", or where you can go to learn more about the disease. They are more excited to get to the part where they can list off their friends who they want to see get soaked in ice water.

I'm not saying this is a bad thing per se. Any and all awareness that is gained from this campaign is infinitely more awareness than there was before about ALS, and any money raised to help fund research for a way to end ALS is more than there was before that donation.

I've seen both sides of this whole thing about the campaign in comments and posts all over the internet. Some people have said that the campaign is a disgraceful stunt (I'm not sure I would go that far), others have said that it is a creative way to bring awareness about a terrible disease. I've also heard that other countries around the world want us noisy Americans to just be quiet and make our donations silently. I kind of lean in the middle of these opinions. I think that the campaign is really creative and makes the best use of social media's ability to spread word like wildfire, and it has spread the word about ALS effectively- the only people I had ever met before this campaign in real life or on the internet who had any clue as to what ALS was were the family I know who is dealing with it. But I think that a lot of people miss the point of it and just make noise and throw ice on themselves and each other for the fun of it, missing the whole point of the campaign and thus causing skepticism of the campaign and it's effectiveness/worth.

OK, my two big issues with this whole mess are- 

1. I don't understand why people have to go as far as to actually argue  with people and hurt each other's feelings over a virtual campaign that they don't have to take part in if they don't want to. You are in control of you. Plain and simple. If you don't want to do something, that's great; don't do it. No one can make you do something you don't want to do. Likewise, if you want to do something and the opportunity arises, great! Go ahead and do it. Why are people getting so upset at those who are willingly choosing to take part in this campaign.

2. If you're going to do something to raise awareness about a cause, at least find out a little bit about what you are supporting! I'm really glad that ALS is finally getting some publicity, but I don't want it to be something only known about because of baseball greats and ice buckets. I want people to have a more common knowledge of ALS,  because it is just as deadly, if not more so, than diseases like cancer. We all have some idea of what cancer is and what it does to the body, why not ALS? It isn't that hard when we have all the information we could ever ask for at our fingertips.

So, in conclusion, I just plain don't understand why people are putting so much energy into cutting down a campaign that is really just intended to help out a field of research that is vastly under-funded, and that could potentially make the lives of those living with ALS so much better. If it's not for you, then don''t worry about it. If it's something you want to take part in, go ahead. All this comes down to personal choice, not "the majority doesn't care so be quiet."

Here is another perspective on the campaign from an ALS family.

And for the curious reader, yes, I did do the ice bucket challenge. And I dedicated it to Kepler Nigh, who I and my family have watched lose strength and mobility in his body to the point where only his eyes can still move. And he continues to keep hope. He is one of my heroes.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

I'm terrible at this whole blog thing

Many, MANY times now I have said that I want to post more regularly on my blog here about language learning and stuff like that.

Truth is I'm terrible at remembering to get on here and write.

So, I will write on here, but there will be no guarantee on consistency, frequency, length of posts, or anything like that. Because I'm just kind of bad at that.

I guess I can give an update on language learning while I'm here:
Since it's been summer I have had more free time to work on projects. I also seem to have had a lot more projects than I had planned.
My family and I have been remodeling our back porch, my brother has come to visit from out of town, I've had work, I've had art projects and music projects and video projects, and those got pushed into the limelight of my life this summer. Which means that language was pushed out a bit.
The Fall semester is starting again at the end of this month, though, and with the structure of classes comes an easy way to structure my time to fit in everything I want to. I will be in my third semester of German at my University, so I will most certainly have time to work on that. I'd like to find time to review my Japanese as well at some point. I feel like it has been so long since I've reviewed anything and I don't remember a lot of the vocabulary I was working on. Unfortunate.

So, all in all, life happens and we  just get back to doing what we do. I can't guarantee posts, but I'll certainly be here.

Until next time, tschüß, meine freunden!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

German and Kpop!

Hallo, meine Freunden! Wie geht's? (hello my friends! how are you?)

A friend of mine and I are practicing language together, and for now I'm working on German. We're sending messages with audio files attached back and forth (one a week each) so that we can practice speaking out languages of study. ^^ Even though she's learning Korean and I'm currently working on German it works out. We have the audio of us speaking, then we have the written text in language, and then we have the translation. They're really short. ^^; It's a lot of fun, and since I'd like to start posting more again (what with the summer and all) I'd like to at least include some of the text here every week. ^^ So, here is week one!

Deutsch Woche 1:
Hallo! Meine AKMU CD ist gestern gekommen!
Es ist sehr gut! Mein Lieblingslied ist 'Melted', aber es ist traurig. Ich mag auch 'Little Star'. Ich weis nicht der name auf Koreanisch. ^^;
So! Was ist dein Lieblingslied? Magst du AKMU? Was ist deine LieblingsKpopgrouppe?

Hello! My AKMU CD came yesterday!
It's really good! My favorite song is 'Melted', but it's sad. I also like 'Little Star'. I don't know the name in Korean.
So! What is your favorite song? Do you like AKMU? What is your favorite Kpop group?

I know I'm not very good at German yet, and I know I have mistakes there, just bear with me as I get better. As always, if you see a mistake, feel free to let me know! I appreciate it!

So hopefully I'll have these little posts up once a week. ^^ I'm working on a study schedule for 日本語(Japanese) as well, so we'll see how that goes. Anyways, I'll see you again soon!

Das ist alles, tschüss! じゃね!

Saturday, April 19, 2014


みんなさん、こんにちは!(minnasan, konnichiwa!) Hallo!

The end of the semester is almost upon us, summer is just around the corner!
I'd like to have more posts this summer again, I really enjoyed the Word of the Day posts last summer, so I may do those again this summer. I also want to do posts in German, not just Japanese.
I feel like up until now, studying and practicing has been more of an obligation than an enjoyment. I think it's important to enjoy what you learn, so I hope to have fun with learning language this summer!

Thank you for reading! Danke für deine Zeit! ありがとうございます!
You'll hear from me soon! ^^

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Long time no see! ^^; It's been a really long time since I've posted here, I don't really know what to say... But I wanted to give an update on my language learning.

Last fall and this spring I've been taking German classes at my University. I would have loved to have been able to take Japanese, but my school is smaller and doesn't offer it. German is fine though, I'm part German, and learning the language makes me feel a bit more connected to that part of my heritage. I can read fairly well, I just need to use a dictionary for words I don't understand; and I can understand spoken German for the most part, but I have trouble speaking the words and using correct grammar. If I feel like it, I may post German on here occasionally. (Totally depends on how frequently I post, etc.)

My Japanese studies have fallen to the wayside these past months. I got a small job for the winter and they decided to keep me on after the holiday season, so between that and schoolwork, I find that I'm either too tired or too distracted to work on Japanese. I have noticed that I remember a lot of what I had learned previously though, so probably this coming summer I will be able to review a bit and return to Japanese studies.

I'm also looking into some study abroad options, though I'm not quite sure how that will work out. The way my school schedules classes does not lend itself to much leeway, so time will tell what comes of that.

I just wanted to give a bit of an update since it's been a few months. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to write again soon! ^^/