Monday, October 31, 2011

みなさん!(mina-san) Happy Halloween!

Hey there! ^-^

Today is Halloween! I dressed up in Gothic Lolita. It was fun and I felt so pretty!

So, at my school we're registering for next semesters classes and I have to pick out the classes that I want... It's really confusing because at first nobody even told me what was going on so I finally wrestled some answers out of my friends and some of the people who help with advisement. So I just have to piece together a schedule now and hope I can get the classes I want! ^-^

In にほんご(nihongo) stuff, I found a really adorable song that I want to share with you.

ステキな日曜日~Gyu Gyu グッデイ~ PV Full 


I feel really bad that I haven't worked on my にほんご(nihongo) very much lately... Hopefully I can do a lot more this week and continue to improve!!!

Anyways, thank you for reading my blog! I really am grateful!!! ありがとうございます!さようなら!(arigatou gozaimasu! sayounara!)

By the way, Friday night and Saturday it was snowing!!! ゆき!ゆき大好き!!!(yuki! yuki daisuki!!!) I love snow!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Reading にほんご(nihongo)

Reading Kanji is a good way to learn にほんご(nihongo). You don't have to understand the characters right away, just become familiar with the characters used and continue reading them as you learn. Also, re-read as you learn the meanings of more of the Kanji. ^-^ I'll post some of my favorite にほんご(nihongo) sites/blogs for you to look at!

Kozue-chan's Blog!
Ikura-san's Blog!
Nonstop Tube!

^-^ Enjoy! And sorry there's not much Japanese in this post... I'll have another post for Monday!!! Have an awesome weekend!!! XD

Monday, October 24, 2011

マル・マル・モリ・モリ!(maru maru mori mori!)

こんばんは!みなさん!!!(konbanwa mina-san!)

おげんきですか?(o-genki desu ka?)

げんきです!!!(genki desu!)

I'm really happy today!!! Can you guess why? XD I'll give you a hint, it's in the title!

YAY! It's time for a video!!!

マル・マル・モリ・モリ!(maru maru mori mori!)

あああ!かわいいです!(aaah! kawaii desu!!!)

This has to be the cutest thing I saw today other than an adorable kitten that a friend sent me a video of! ^-^ Soooooo cute!!!

So, moving on, my awesome friend that I mentioned in a few of my previous posts who is helping me with にほんご(nihongo) told me about a site called Nonstop Tube. ( by the way, the link will lead to the Japanese one.) So it's pretty awesome! What you do is you copy and paste kanji that you don't know or that you're learning into the box and click the "youtube" button underneath it and it will play everything it can find on youtube that has that kanji in it non-stop!!! XD (another by the way, you could type in anything. band names, peoples names, random phrases, etc. I just can't guarantee the results...) So yes, that made me happy. And yes, that is where I found マル・マル・モリ・モリ!

Have fun with all of this! ^-^ And I hope you have a good week! I'll try to keep up with my studies! Thank you very much for reading my blog, I appreciate it a lot! And I'll see you next time! さようなら!(sayounara) ありがとうございます!(arigatou gozaimasu!)

... Speaking of my friend, I saw him today but he was talking with somebody and then I didn't see him when we normally hang out... and apparently he wasn't in class today... I hope he's not sick... D:

Friday, October 21, 2011

Eat. Your. Rice.

こんばんは!みなさん!(konbanwa, mina-san!)

Hello everyone!!! Today I want to talk about something very special to me!!!

Today was the first meeting for a club that I started with a friend on campus called Eat Your Rice!!!

It was so much fun!!! We hung up fliers this week but we were still worried that no one would come, but a lot of people came and I'm soo happy!!!

To give you a bit of background on the club and why/how it started, on our campus there wasn't a club devoted to Asian culture. The clubs on campus dealt with predominantly games and a bit of anime on the side. So, the first day I met my friend (by the way, she's the president and I'm vice-president) we were talking and we discovered that we both absolutely love Asian culture! She had said that she wanted to start a club for it because there wasn't one, and I had been thinking about starting one also, so it just exploded into going to get the paperwork and finding out what we needed and everything that we had to do to start a club. We both knew that as first years it would be hard but we did it anyways. And now, so many people signed up to join the club that we won't have any trouble doing activities or anything! Everyone was  really enthusiastic about it to! So I get a feeling that our campus needed a club like this and I'm really excited to finish the paperwork and start on activities!!!

By the way, our name, Eat Your Rice. It came from our brainstorming about the club. My friend said that there was a Canadian group who made videos of Korea and life and music there. The group used the name Eat Your Kimchi. So we were sitting there and I suddenly thought (originally as a joke) that we should use the name Eat Your Rice because all Asian countries that I know of eat rice and our club was to be an Asian culture group. So I suggested it and my friend loved it and the more we talked about it, the more I loved it too! So my friend actually got a hold of the people at Eat Your Kimchi and asked if we could use the spin-off of their name and they said yes! And everyone that my friend and I have talked to like the name too!

So I wasn't there when my friend was talking to the person to get the idea approved, but apparently all the faculty involved in approving clubs and such were also very interested in the club and they were really supportive. And we got a sponsor shortly after that. He's an amazing sponsor and he's helped us out tremendously!!!

So, It's been around a month and a half since I met my friend and we began this journey and having our first meeting, it's amazing to see how far we've gotten!!! I'm so happy and I hope that we can continue to have fun meetings and I hope we can do a lot of things together in the years ahead of us!!!

That's all I have for today! Since I was either working on the meeting or in class all day today, I haven't done any にほんご(nihongo), but I did slip in listening to a few songs and now I'm going to watch a few episodes of Lucky Star and relax because I don't have classes tomorrow so I can catch up on much needed sleep! Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!!! ありがとうございます!さようなら!!!(arigatou gozaimasu! sayounara!!!)

And a side note, yes, we did have rice at the meeting! ^-^ おいしい!!!(oishii)

Monday, October 17, 2011


I love my Psychology class...

I love how late at night it is...

I love getting home at 9 at night and thinking, ""...


So! こんばんは!(konbanwa!)
Well, I am officially in love with a new song! It's by Tokyo Girls Style! It's super cute! I found out about the song from Kozue's translated blog! Thank you to the translator for sharing Kozue-san's blog with those of us who can't read にほんご(nihongo) yet!!! XD

so, there's a link to the video on her blog also, but I'll put the link here too!

Ah, that's all I have... I'm really tired so I should probably get to bed soon! ^-^

Thanks for reading and please have a good week! ありがとうございます!さようなら!(arigatou gozaimasu! sayounara!)

(By the way, I actually do love my Psychology class, I just don't like how late it is... well, it's only on Mondays so I can survive another 8-9 weeks! XD)

Friday, October 14, 2011


こんばんは!みなさん!!!(konbanwa! mina-san!)

How are all of you lovely people today? Good? Good.

So! My awesome friend who's helping me out with some にほんご(nihongo) taught me a new word!!!


It means "Oh! You surprised me!" or "You scared me!!!" or something along those lines. ^-^

さ!I'm going to give you a little example of how this word works. Since it's October, I'll do an example for Halloween. (Just so you know, I really dislike scary things. I can't handle them at all! So if you were hoping for something こわい(kowai) I'm sorry it's not gonna happen.)

Two kids are walking along the street in their costumes going from door to door "trick-or-treating".
Kid 一(ichi): "I wanna go to that house! there's a rumor that the guy there gives spare change instead of candy!!!"
Kid 二(ni): "OK! いく!(iku) Let's go!"
The two walk up to the house and knock on the door... no one answers. They exchange nervous glances and try again. Still, no one answers the door.
Kid 一: "Maybe it was just a rumor after all..."
The two turn to go and suddenly the door opens quickly and someone is laughing!
Both kids: 「あああああ!」(aaaaah!)
They turn and see one of their friends from school laughing in the doorway.
Friend: "Ahaha! That was really funny!!!"
Kid 一: "No it wasn't! びくりした!!!"
Friend: Ya! That was kinda the point!"

So, there you have it! A little example of how to use びくりした!

On a side note, I went trick-or-treating with two of my friends in my sophomore year of high school and one of my friends actually knew of a guy who gave spare change instead of candy! He kept his porch light off so you could only go if you knew about him! XD Ah, good times, good times... ^-^

Well, thanks for reading! I hope it wasn't to random and stuff! Have a good weekend! ありがとうございます!さようなら!!!(arigatou gozaimasu! sayounara!)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Let me share some culture!!!


I know, my post is a day late, well, ya...

Anyways, I'm gonna share some culture with you!!!


My finding this video came about because I was reminded of this by a certain video my brother sent me! XD

OK, so in other news, I've been working on my Kanji lately! I was thiiiiiiiiis close to posting something about Kanji on にちようび(nichiyoubi), but I decided against it because I had to go somewhere... 0.o

So, ya. This is all for today! Please enjoy! Thank you for reading!!!

ありがとうございます!さようなら!(arigatou gozaimasu! sayounara!)

Friday, October 7, 2011



おげんきですか?(o-genki desu ka)

Hihi!!! So! I've started learning Kanji!!! I'm learning the meanings before I learn how to pronounce them because learning stroke order, how to say them, what they mean, AND what they look like all at once is overwhelmingly much for my poor little brain!!! And my friend suggested I do it this way so i don't burn out right away. :D


Ah! Anki! Anki is something you download and it's pretty much flashcards, and you can have a lot of decks or you can make your own and it's really helpful for learning Kanji and the rest of Kana! I've been using it for the past few days and I think it's actually helped me a lot already! A lot of language learners use Anki apparently.

Aaaaah... Have you ever had that really sad feeling deep in your heart when you finish a movie or show you absolutely love or you have to leave a friends house after having the funnest time with your friends? Well, I just finished watching Lucky Star again about 4-5 hours ago and that feeling is still lingering... 0.o

And yes, I love Lucky Star!


It's the weekend! XD

So, I'll post again on げつようび!(getsuyoubi) Thank you for reading, as always! ありがとうございます!さようなら!(arigatou gozaimasu! sayounara!)

Monday, October 3, 2011


This week is MIDTERMS!!! 0.o

So, this weekend I studied my little tail off for my classes (Mainly working on my "take-home midterm" for history). So I didn't do any studying really.

I did listen to some music though! And I'll share it with you sense I don't have anything else today to share with you lovely people! ^-^ I've been listening to it and one of the songs from a week ago almost nonstop except for when I was reading.

【にゃんたろ】Game of Life ↑人生ゲーム↓ 踊ってみた【第八弾】 

Have you noticed I've been sharing a lot of music??? 0.o I should work on my Japanese this week...

Ah, I also finished the book Kokoro last night! XD

Sssssooooooooo... I will have Japanese on Friday!!! It's a must! XD

Bai bai!!! Thank you for reading and please enjoy the video and song!